Cats suck and I have proof

If you've been on the internet for more than 0.001 nanoseconds, you'd know that anons and non anons have been brainwashed and cat-pilled to like and obey this useless feline gremlins

Cats suck, first of all, they barely can grab stuff with their hands like an otter can, otters know how to use tools and break stuff with rocks. You know how many otters it takes to write this blog? 1! You know how many cats it takes to replace a lightbulb? I've ran out of bits and can't give you the answer.

As you can see from the image, this dumb cat THAT IS NOT SYSADMIN CERTIFIED!!! sneaked into the cabinet, what a loser, no equipment for the job and no keyboard and mouse, oh wait, it'd probably eat the mouse or play with cables because cats don't have a conscious mind for anything more than being asshats.

You see this sofa? This is what will happen to your sofa if YOU get a cat... Do you want destruction?

This is a PSA against cats, everything I say I condone and believe in

Still a cat fan? Well screw you! And, send an email!

© 🦦 Otter(tm), A true otter No CSS? Too Slow?